MK Airbroker´s Privacy Policy

Processing of personal data

On this day, 23 May 2018, the following policy has been drawn up for MK Airbroker AB (556769-2149).

1. Purpose

We take care of your privacy. You should be able to feel secure when entrusting your personal data to us. For this reason, we have drawn up this policy. It is based on current data protection legislation and clarifies how we work to safeguard your rights and privacy.

The purpose of this policy is to make you aware of how we process your personal data, what we use them for, who may view them and under what conditions, and how you can safeguard your rights.

2. Background

The main reason why we process your personal data is to fulfil our contractual obligations towards you. We proceed on the basis that we do not process more personal data that is necessary for the purpose, and always endeavour to use the least sensitive information.

We also need your personal data to provide you with a good service, for example, in terms of marketing, monitoring and information. In addition, we may need your personal data to comply with laws and carry out customer and market analyses.

You have the right to object to our use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. When we collect personal data about you for the first time, you will receive more information on this and how you can object to it.

3. Guidelines

3.1 What personal data do we process?

We only process personal data where there is a legal basis for this. We do not process personal data unless this is necessary for the fulfilment of obligations in accordance with agreements and the law.

Examples are given below of the personal data we process:

  • Full name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone / Mobile number
  • Age, date of birth or social security number
  • Gender and Title
  • Passport info and Certificate
  • Medical info and contact info to relatives
  • Payment card numbers, credit card numbers
  • Information that you registered without being requested to do so
  • and which you provide
  • voluntarily
  • Content that you publish yourself, so-called user-generated
  • content

3.2 How do we gain access to your personal data?

Where possible, we try to obtain your consent before starting to process your personal data. We do this by asking you to complete explicit consent clauses if the processing is based on consent.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. In such case, we will no longer process your personal data or obtain new data, provided that this is not necessary for the fulfilment of our obligations in accordance with an agreement or the law. Note that withdrawing your consent means we are unable to fulfil the obligations we have towards you.

We also gain access to your personal data in the following ways:

  • Information you provide to us direct
  • Information that is registered when you visit our website
  • Information that we obtain from public records
  • Information that we obtain when you consult one of our employees
  • Information that we obtain when you register for our courses, travels or seminars
  • Information that we obtain when you subscribe to newsletters or other mailings
  • Information that we obtain when you reply to our questionnaires and surveys
  • Information that we obtain when you contact us, seek employment with us, visit us or otherwise make contact with us

Your personal information when traveling

When making a reservation, we only collect the personal data of all the travellers in your company that are necessary and relevant for completing the order and the agreement. The information we provide is the basis for us to complete the booking with the trusted suppliers applicable to the service and to which we will transfer the data. All information we receive will be used, based on the consent, to be able to perform the event.

For a group or conference trip, where a company or organization makes the order, MK Airbroker acts as personal processor for the client who collects all the information and where there may also be information about the position certain persons have during the event.

On a trip outside the EU / EEA, the transfer of your personal data to third countries will take place.

Your personal information for our newsletters

Our newsletters go to our customers who have chosen to subscribe. To make these newsletter, we collect your email address and save it in our email register. You can at any time choose to unsubscribe from our newsletter by either unsubscribe from the link at the bottom of the mailing you receive from us or email and we will remove you. We do not share our registry with anyone outside the organisation.

Storing of your personal data

We keep your personal data in our booking system and in the accounting systems together with payments to fulfil our legal obligations.

3.3 What information do we give you?
We will inform you how we have obtained your personal data, what we will use them for, what rights you have according to the data protection legislation, and how you can safeguard these rights. You will also be informed of who is responsible for the processing of the personal data and how you can contact us if you have any queries or need to submit a request or enquiry that concerns your personal data and/or your rights.

3.4 Are your personal data processed in a satisfactory manner?

We draw up procedures and methods of working to ensure that your personal data are processed in a secure way. The basic condition is that only employees and other persons within the organisation who need the personal data to carry out their work duties have access to them.

As regards to sensitive personal data, we have established authorisation controls, which means there is a higher level of protection for your personal data.

Our security systems are developed with your privacy in mind, and provide a high degree of protection against intrusion, destruction and other modifications that may pose a risk to your privacy.

We have several policies for IT security, to ensure that your personal data are processed securely.

We do not transfer your personal data other than as explicitly stated in this policy.

3.5 When do we disclose your personal data?

Our basic principle is that we do not disclose your personal data to third parties if you have not given your consent to this or if it is not necessary for the fulfilment of our obligations in accordance with agreements or the law. In those cases where we disclose personal data to third parties, we make reasonable effort to ensure that the personal data are processed in a satisfactory manner through the agreements provided by our suppliers.

It is only in a contact through a formal request by the police or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in case of emergency or similar events where we provide information about which passengers have booked a travel arrangement through us.

4.  Responsibility

MK Airbroker AB is a data controller, which means that we are responsible for the processing of your personal data and for ensuring that your rights are safeguarded. You can contact us any time at or phone +46 (0) 8 166930.

Last updated 2018-05-23